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There are now more women behind bars than at any other point in U.S. history. Women have borne a

disproportionate burden of the war on drugs, resulting in a monumental increase of women who are facing  incarceration for the first time, overwhelmingly for non-violent offenses. This rampant incarceration has a devastating impact on families.


Most of these women, unseen and largely forgotten, are mothers. Unfortunately, pregnant women, incarcerated women and their children are subject to federal and state correctional policies that fail to recognize their distinct needs or honor their families.


Literature on prison reentry shows that connections to family and friends are strong predictors of success for women. Maintaining positive family contacts during and following incarceration fosters integration into the community and reduces recidivism. Good relationships with law-abiding intimate partners contribute to women’s financial security and reinforce their sense of competency.  Law-abiding partners also can act as emotional role models and give social support



Resources For Women



P.O. Box 227015

Dallas TX 75222-7015

(214) 941-1333

Provides safe transitional housing, education, job training and entrepreneurial skills to help women live successfully after incarceration.



c/o BWJP Defense Office

125 South 9th Street, Suite 302

Philadelphia PA 19107

Provides assistance and information to battered women charged with crimes and to their defense teams. Free newsletter. Does not offer direct legal representation.


Chicago Books to Women in Prison

PO Box 14778

Chicago IL 60614

Sends free reading material to female inmates in IL, IN, OH, MS, CT, AZ, KY, FL and CA. Does not send to Texas inmates.


Families United for Racial + Economic Equality (FUREE)

81 Willoughby Street #701

Brooklyn NY 11201

(718) 852-2960

Brooklyn-based multiracial organization made up of almost exclusively women of color. Organizes low-income families to build power to change the system so that all people’s work is valued.


Fuerza Unida

710 New Laredo Hwy

San Antonio TX 78211

(210) 927-2294

Women’s group that helps families achieve justice through education, organizing, and advocacy.


Hasting’s Women’s Law Journal

U.C. Hastings College of the Law

200 McAllister Street

San Francisco CA 94102-4707

Seeking submissions from women in prison about their experiences.


Justice Now

1322 Webster Street, Suite 210

Oakland CA 94612

Justice Now is the first teaching law clinic in the country solely focused on the needs of women prisoners. Interns and staff provide legal services in areas of need identified by women prisoners, including:

compassionate release

healthcare access

defense of parental rights

sentencing mitigation

placement in community-based programs


Tenacious: Art and Writing by Women in Prison

c/o V. Law - Black Star Publishing

PO Box 20388

Tompkins Square Station

New York NY 10009

Zine by female inmates. $3 per zine, back issues available.

Women and Prison


Beyondmedia Education

4001 N. Ravenswood Ave. Suite 204-B

Chicago IL 60613

Online publisher covering issue of women in prison. Write for submission guidelines.



449 15th Street, Suite 303

Oakland CA 94612

(510) 986-0340

Publishes a quarterly newsletter that includes a cover story of an inspiring woman living with HIV, treatment information and advocacy tips. Send for information and referrals on AIDS and other life threatening diseases.



c/o Boneshaker Books

2002 23rd Ave S

Minneapolis MN 55404

Free books and reading materials to women and transgendered folks incarcerated in state and federal facilities. Serves all US states except CA, CT, FL, IL, IN, MA, MI, MS, OH, OR, and PA.


Programs for Women

Here are a couple additional links to sites we thought may be of further interest:


Greenhope - Services for Women Programs

Snapshot - Women and Reentry

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