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Grants Information & Help





What about small business loans and grants?

Many agencies of the federal government competitively award a limited number of grants to non-profit and government organizations that support their program activities. Most Departments do not give grants to individuals directly for any program or activity. The web site provides a convenient access point for information about the availability of competitive grants and application instructions for businesses or non-profit organizations offered by twenty six Federal grant-making agencies. The website provides a wide array of information for businesses and non-profit organizations. This information is only available on the web.


There are no small business loans for grants specifically for ex-offenders. The Small Business Administration (SBA) does not provide direct loans. They provide loan guarantees for certain businesses that borrow from lending institutions. They do not provide specific grants or low interest rate loans to ex-offenders for business start-up or expansion. Every state has at least one SBA district office, with multiple resource partners to support the needs of the small business community. For further information, you may want to contact the Small Business Administration, 409 Third Street, S.W., Washington, DC 20416; or visit their website at to locate your local SBA office.


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