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Medical Help...




“Help For Inmates” realizes that in order to get off to a healthy start upon release, ex-prisoners need to have access to medical care. For many, incarceration was their first chance at receiving regular medical care, though the quality of care was usually minimal and inconsistent. Dental problems in prison, for example, are often solved by simply pulling the tooth rather than repairing it.


Prison inmates are often exposed to communicable diseases such as hepatitis C, HIV, staph infections, or tuberculosis. However, many of these cases go undiagnosed in prison and come to light only in post-release examinations.


Mental illness is another problem that is widespread in prison. Without effective community facilities, prisons often become a “dumping ground” for the mentally ill.


Whether inmates face medical or mental health issues, many prisons provide only a few days’ supply of their medications upon release. This means there is almost always a gap, ranging from days to weeks when ex-prisoners are unable to obtain important medications. During this time, ex-offenders – as well as those around them – are at risk.

Please check out the following links. They may be helpful in your medical related research and your efforts in finding medical programs that work fot you.

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