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Have a laugh over some silly jokes.

Below are some links to a few sites with some funny and wacky stuff. Check them out and enjoy.


(Remember, this is not our material. All copyrights are according to the site you visit. You should also take note of each sites warning or disclaimer information as to the content rating). 





Question: Do you know how to save five drowning lawyers?

Answer: No.

Reply: Good!


Question: Why don't snakes bite attorneys?
Answer: Professional courtesy.


Question: How can you tell that an attorney is about to lie?
Answer: His lips begin to move.


Question: How can you tell the difference between an attorney lying dead in the road and a coyote lying dead in the road?
Answer: With the coyote, you usually see skid marks.


Question: How many lawyers does it take to screw in a light bulb?
Answer: How many can you afford?


185 Lawyer Jokes



Comedy Central Jokes



Comedy Central Lawyer Jokes



Lawyer Jokes - the good, the bad, and the dirty



Jokes & Other Funny Stuff



Jokes & Other - Lawyer Jokes



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