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Immediate Help for Families


This page is a consolidated quick view of a small portion of information available on this site. This page is meant to give you some of the direct resources that provide help and assistance. These links should help you get the immediate help you may need in various vital areas such as food, housing, clothing, medical, child care, education, employment, legal and bill payment. These links are NOT all inclusive and may not provide the long term assistance you might need. You should explore and follow up on the other sources provided on this website in order to find a permanent solution for your needs. These sites are provided in order to give you a ‘hand up’ not merely a ‘hand out’. Use them freely, we all need some help at one time or another. Good luck.



Listed below are a few links that will lead you to food banks, soup kitchens and other emergency sources where you can get FREE food for you and/or your family.





A place to live or temporary housing is paramount for everyone. … Homelessness is no fun…These links will provide housing and shelter for families and newly released ex-offenders.





Jobs….Jobs…Jobs. These links offer help with job placement for ANYONE looking for work. Research has shown that ex-offenders with a job to go to are 70% less likely to re-offend. Family members left behind may also need to find employment in order to support themselves and their children. Many have never had to work or even had a job. The links supplied below will help both with employment and job training.





Clothes for children, family members and newly released ex-offenders are vital necessities. The links listed will provide clothe so children can be prepared for school and kept warm and dry from the elements. They will also supply clothing for those needing proper attire in order to be ready for job hunting or work.






Good health is paramount to being able to function and accomplish the demands of day-to-day responsibilities. These links are the easiest and fastest ways that we have found in order for you to get the immediate help you may require.





Here you should find instant answers for any questions you may have in the legal areas where you may need answers. Help For Inmates are NOT attorneys, nor do we offer legal advice. You should consult with an attorney in your area for any legal advice you may need.





Help for a troubled kid is sometimes needed. No matter how careful caring parents are when raising their children unexpected things happen. When a situation arises, it is vital that you find immediate help for your children. If a child seems troubled, is being bullied or abused, you need to seek help as soon as possible.






Lesbians, gays, bi-sexual and transgender adults and youngsters may find themselves in situations where those around them may not understand them and/or their problems. The links provided here should be able to offer assistance to the LGBT community in their needed areas.





When anyone gets out of jail or prison they may need assistance in many areas. These links should be able to give them the fastest support needed to help them with a smooth transition into society.





Caring for children and knowing they are safe, so parents can go to work is important and necessary. The links below offer various programs for child care and after school programs. Some are a long term solution and some are temporary while you find employment.





Most of us all come up on hard times or emergency situations when ...”The month is longer than the money” … During these times we may need a “hand up” NOT a “hand out”. Don’t be hesitant or ashamed to seek help for your misfortune. Contact the links below and explain your situation. Try to get help until you can get back on your feet.





Need a ride to work? Need a ride to go visit a loved one in jail or prison? Need to let the kids visit their parents? Many organizations will help you with these problems. Look into the following links and research others on our website.





Need to get your G.E.D.? What to attend schooling to learn a trade? Need a degree in a specialized area? Just out of prison and want to get a degree so you can get a better paying job? The links below offer assistance and/or grants so you can go to school. Contact then and arrange a face-to-face meeting so you can pursue your career.



Disclaimer: The links provided above offer the stated services on their websites. Help For Inmates makes no assurances or guarantees that they will provide their advertised services or assistance. Help For Inmates is NOT associated or connected with the organizations listed and cannot assure or guarantee to anyone what these organizations will or will not provide. If you cannot find the assistance you require, contact us at with a short description of what your needs are and we will do our best to try and locate the help you seek for you. This is a FREE service and Help For Inmates expects no reciprocation for it’s help. Just …”PAY IT FORWARD”

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